Klinger tri-track and field meet today. Go Klippers!

#SchoolNurses have been critical in improving public health and ensuring student academic success for more than 120 years! Celebrate Nation School Nurse Day today, May 10. @schoolnurses #GOCSD #CSDPointsofPride

Happy Cinco de Mayo Centennial community! Celebrate while reading the CSD Weekly Update for May 5, 2023! Have a great weekend! #CSDWeeklyUpdate #GoCSD #CSDPointsofPride https://www.smore.com/1b7f5

TONIGHT IS SHOWCASE NIGHT! Come support all our amazing artists at William Tennent, TONIGHT 5/10/23! #GOCSD #CSDPointsofPride

IT'S FRIDAY!!! That means it is time for the CSD Weekly Update for April 28, 2023! Take a look at everything happening in CSD! #GOCSD #CSDpointsospride #CSDstrong https://www.smore.com/s0f46

Administrative Professionals Day recognizes and celebrates the work of secretaries, administrative assistants, and other office professionals for their contributions to the workplace. Thank you for all the hard work you do for our district! #GOCSD #CSDStrong

9 Days away!
Countdown to the CSD K-12 Fine Art Showcase Night being held on May 5th from 7:00-9:00pm William Tennent High School!

A few days ago we celebrated Bus Driver Appreciation Day! Thank you to all of our hardworking bus drivers, who give their all every day!

Check out everything happening in Centennial! #GOCSD #csdpointsofpride

We are proud to announce that Centennial School District has been named a #BestCommunitiesforMusicEducation from @nammfoundation for its outstanding commitment to music education! #BestCommunitiesforMusicEducation #GOCSD #CSDpointsofpride